Saturday, December 18, 2010

Word of the Day...

Well, as you all know I've been so enjoying my collection
of Christmas pixie elves and knomes the last week or two...
so the Word of the Day is...


"a fabulous, deformed, diminutive goblin, supposed to dwell in
the earth or to be the guardian spirit of miners;
a pithy or sententious saying"

Just love this old book...thought I'd share a few more fabulous
Christmas gnomes and elves that I found on Etsy...
we still have a few in our shop also!

Hope you enjoyed all these sweet little gnome - elves...
Happy Holidays!


Jennie said...

Aw, thanks so much for featuring my gnome amongst all of the other cuties you found! I'm thinking this guy may be spending Christmas with my family this year- yay!

maidofclay said...

Thanks for including my 3 little guys. How do you recognize an elf? You gnome when you see 'em. Ha! I just made that up - I love stupid puns.